In 2024, during the April VVE meeting, a new board was appointed. This board is eager to start improving the living environment. Part of this initiative involves redesigning our grass fields. The image below shows which grass fields are involved; the red sections indicate the areas that definitely need to be addressed, and the yellow sections indicate the optional areas that may be made more maintenance-friendly.
The VVE would like a design and a detailed plan for a new use of these fields. Currently, they are overgrown gravel pits surrounded by a low fence on three sides, with two benches on the open side. The dimensions are 14m by 10m. There are two trees in the first field, which we want to keep. Our desire is to come to a better use of this space through consultation.
Next to the smaller fields, on the east side of the area between the apartments and Doctor Cuyperslaan, there are also several large fields separated by footpaths. These fields contain some hedges and trees and are currently well-maintained. The VVE is looking for a way to redesign or repurpose these fields to reduce maintenance costs.
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