Overspore Facade facelift 

Posted Posted in Architecture, Bachelor, Structural design

Students: S. Cenalia, B. Ghadri, M. Grbovic Tutor: H. Schilpervoort For this assignment, the group was commissioned to work on a facelift of the entrances of the building Residentie Overspore in Eindhoven. It is a building complex accommodating expensive dwellings in one of the perfect locations in Eindhoven. It was of great significance to freshen up the entrances […]

Challenging Camping – RCN ‘Het Grote Bos’

Posted Posted in Bachelor, Building physics, Urbanism

Students: L. Trávníková & R. Spoelstra Tutor: T. Veegeer In this project the students explored the possibilities to make RCN Holiday Park ‘Het Grote Bos’ more sustainable. A wide variety of topics are covered, including energy generation and savings, water collection and consumption, material use, food forests, visitor travel modes, and sustainability certifications. However, the […]

Modulair green storage shed

Posted Posted in Architecture, Bachelor, News, Results

Students: Samuel Slezák and Timo Damoiseaux. Tutored by Wouter Hilhorst For this Bouwkundewinkel assignment, the goal was to provide a conceptual solution for the storage of the outdoor toys of daycare center Korein. The proposal is based on three concepts: multifunctionality, modularity, and openness of interpretation. With regard to the materials, the students chose to […]